National Disability Authority Conference 2020 Page Header Image


Welcome to the registration form for the National Disability Authority’s Annual Conference 2020 - Facilitating the effective and equal participation of persons with disabilities in the Irish criminal justice system (Article 13 UNCRPD)


Please note that you must complete the registration to successfully create your user account and save your details on our system.  Your registration should only take around 5 minutes to complete, however, our system does not store details if you exit your registration midway through the form. There is also a time out after 20 minutes so please ensure you complete your registration in one sitting.


If you have any questions or require assistance with your registration please contact us at

To complete the form, please click into the relevant sections or navigate using the TAB key. Please scroll to the bottom of each page to ensure you complete all of the required fields. To move between the pages on the registration form please use the 'Back' and 'Next' buttons at the bottom of each page, and not the back and forward options on your web browser.

Fields marked with * are mandatory.

Contact Details

If you enter a secondary email, it will be copied into all communication. We recommend this option to those who are using an organisation or university email as their main contact as these emails can sometimes be blocked by high-security systems. It is best to enter a personal email address here for your own personal records.

Online Profile

The below information will appear on your attendee profile on the NDA Virtual Platform. Other delegates will see this information if you choose to share it,

Please confirm if you have any accessibility requirements for this virtual conference, for example, ISL interpretation, captioning etc.

The NDA should be made aware of accessibility requirements at the registration stage as we may not be able to put provisions in place closer to the event.

Optional Marketing Questions
Opt in to receive the NDA Newsletter
Opt in to being contacted by Conference Partners solely in relation to other relevant conferences based on your discipline.
Opt in to being listed on the conference delegate list
Conference Registration

The conference registration includes:
Access to the Online Platform
Access to the Meeting Hub for Networking Opportunities
Conference Materials

Please confirm your registration below: